The Company as resolved to modify the acquisition price of its own shares of the shares repurchase
The Company informs that its Board of Directors, in its meeting held on September 6, 2023, by virtue of the powers granted at the meeting held on November 11, 2022, where the share repurchase program was created for an amount of up to ARS 4,000,000,000 under the terms of Article 64 of Law 26,831 and the Regulations of the National Securities Commission, has resolved to amend the acquisition price of its own shares, establishing a maximum value of USD 11.00 per ADS and up to a maximum value in pesos of ARS 1,320 per share, maintaining the remaining terms and conditions duly communicated.
As of this date, the Company has repurchased the equivalent of 12,670,512 common shares representing approximately 78.51% of the approved program.