The Company informs that between November 17 and 25, 2023, certain warrants holders have exercised their right to acquire additional shares.
Therefore, a total of 720,912 ordinary shares of the Company will be registered, with a face value of ARS 1. As a result of the exercise, USD 324,987.13 were collected by the Company.
After the exercise of these warrants, the number of shares and the capital stock of the Company increased from 593,389,883 to 593,454,045, and the number of outstanding warrants decreased from 88,236,618 to 87,662,070.
Likewise, the exercise of the warrants has been carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions established in the issuance prospectus dated February 12, 2021, and complementary notices regarding the offer made by the Company of 90,000,000 ordinary book-entry shares and 90,000,000 options to subscribe ordinary shares (warrants).